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Caitlyn and Morgana will give a lot of damage

Siver and Yuumi was exceptionally overpowered in the solo stride before the dozens of Sivir and Yuumi begins massaging in. though all those heavy nurses in the past few months, this duo is really powerful and it might net LP to a great deal of free of charge. The greatest rank this dup has is its safety in the lane. Levels of also and poke their massive levels of sustain.

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To begin with, there's so much safer using this combo. Yuumi passive grants gives a huge amount of movement rate and H P and her ultimate is an AOE peeling and engaging machine. Sivir, on the other hand, has an ultimate which can be properly used for peeling or engaging along with a rate protector to the mana sustain and safety. When combined these two at 1 lane it'll observe they start to pay for each other's weakness and match their strength.

Yuumi can pretty much sit inside of Sivir for the entirely of this match while poking out the opponents with Q and giving Sivir infinite HP. Sivir, on the flip side, can always push the weight while bending with her (W) and (Q). Sivir is about to be captured by something like a thresh or blitz expect then she can speed shield it for extra mana along with this guaranteed escape. To generate extra information on best bot lane combos please go to https://lol-eloboosting.com/blog/lol/guides/what-champions-do-elo-boosters-use-in-s10.

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Players are happy to stop seeing this combo playing with every other game since it's so frustrating to manage. After having fun with Yuumi and Sivir, its glaring potency is safety and sustainability. They are among the lane combos that are bot and the most dominant combos in the lane. Every character has their own strength therefore choose them based on this playstyle. There are also other duos and therefore do not be afraid to use them.